In the hallowed art-covered halls of the legendary Salmagundi Club, Michael Kelly and pianist Bradley Moore present an evening of American art song entitled Neighbors, Lovers and Friends. Marking the opening night of The Village Trip Festival's fifth season, the concert celebrates the music and words of Village centric composers and poets on themes of love, breakups, memory, and human frailty.
Co-presented by Cutting Edge Concerts and Welltone Music, the program features a wide array of the Village's resident artists, past and present, and some of their NYC neighbors and friends. Performed on the evening will be the long-awaited world premieres of song cycles by celebrated composers Victoria Bond and John Glover. Artists whose work will also be featured include: John Cage, Elliott Carter, John Corigliano, E. E. Cummings, David Del Tredici, Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsburg, James Laughlin, Edna St. Vincent Millay, John Musto, Frank O'Hara, and Astor Piazzolla.