Thank you for your registration to Playing for Change - A Play-a-Thon for Ukraine.
You will receive a notification by September 1 with your exact performance time. Please be available to check in twenty minutes before. Performances will be outdoors on the portico of St Mark's Church in the Bowery; 131 E. 10th St; the location is covered but we will move inside the church if weather conditions are severe.
Dress can be as formal or informal as you choose; we look forward to a variety of performers and performing styles.
Please share this link with friends and family who would be interested in sponsoring your performance; they can dedicate their donation to you on the donation form. The top three fundraisers will be recognized with The Village Trip T-shirts, a poster and letters from Dr Irwin and Karen Redlener, the founders of UCAP.
Thank you again for sharing your talents to benefit this very worthy cause!
All funds raised will go to the Ukraine Chlldren's Action Project.
If you have any queries please contact: