{"id":9627,"global_id":"www.thevillagetrip.com?id=9627","global_id_lineage":["www.thevillagetrip.com?id=9627"],"author":"1","status":"publish","date":"2023-08-02 09:06:39","date_utc":"2023-08-02 13:06:39","modified":"2023-08-05 06:36:11","modified_utc":"2023-08-05 10:36:11","url":"https:\/\/www.thevillagetrip.com\/event\/noho-contemporary-architecture\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/www.thevillagetrip.com\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/9627","title":"NoHo: Contemporary Architecture Amidst Historic Landmarks. Walking tour with Arthur Platt","description":"

The rich and diverse architectural context of NoHo\u2019s Historic Districts continues to inspire innovative contemporary design. The highly crafted execution of many of the recent buildings in the neighborhood shows reverence for the earlier masterworks.<\/p>\n

Tour highlights, among the numerous newer buildings in NoHo, include Morphosis\u2019 Cooper Union Engineering Building, Herzog & de Meuron\u2019s 40 Bond Street, DDG Partners\u2019 41 Bond Street, and Selldorf Architects’ 10 Bond Street. Also encountered is a fine group of 19th century landmarks, including the Cooper Union Foundation Building, Astor Library (now the Public Theater), and the De Vinne Press \u2013 all grappling to find the appropriate architectural language for taller buildings. Louis Sullivan\u2019s Bayard-Condict Building\u2019s dominant vertical expression clearly illustrates the way forward.<\/p>\n

Along the route, a discussion of technological and stylistic breakthroughs, including the transition from masonry load-bearing to steel-frame construction and the appearance of more varied cladding materials, ties the tour\u2019s sites together.<\/p>\n